Our network of dealers, wholesalers and plant manufacturers is part of our strength. Together we are responsible for more than 600 installations in the woodworking industry. As co-operation partners they are, just like us, dedicated to clean air and have a large and thorough knowledge of the local conditions. Most of them have long-standing relations with JKF and are daily drawing on our advice, expertise and know-how. When we put our products together with their knowledge, your company is ensured the most optimum solution both environmentally, technically and economically.
Therefore, we ask you kindly to contact JKF to be informed about our references within the woodworking industry. All you have to do is to fill out the form below. When we know more about your company, it is easier for us to refer you to one or more references that match your needs and requirements.
When we have received your request, we will come back to you as quickly as possible.